Hope Air

Medical Travel Assistance

2023-25 Strategic Plan

No Patient Left Behind.

Our health care system is facing unprecedented stress and strain. Accelerated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and medical clinics are struggling to provide timely access to care. Cancellation and rescheduling of appointments, and long waitlists for medical procedures are now a common reality. With more patients in need seeking diagnosis and treatment, we anticipate demand of more than 18,000 Travel Arrangements by 2025.

Our Impact Goals

Don, Prince George, BC

Better health

We will reduce inequity in access to healthcare between rural and urban communities. Our goal is to ensure that Canadians in need can reach medical care, far from home, without incurring the financial burden of significant travel expenses. We do this by facilitating medical travel services for vulnerable families and individuals to get to the health care they need.
Zoe, Windsor, ON

Poverty reduction

Our programs focus on the large numbers of Canadians living in poverty or low-income households. Our impact is to provide Dignity and Security to people by ensuring the basic need of access to health care is met. Through our work we contribute to lifting thousands of Canadians out of poverty, promoting fuller participation in society and equality of opportunity.
Siyam, Golden, BC

Stronger communities

Through our work, we support people in their desire to continue to live in their home communities, despite serious illness. Our programs materially reduce the need of individuals to move to larger urban areas for ongoing medical treatment. By enabling people to continue to live at home, we contribute to economic and social stability for families and communities.

Our Strategic Priorities

Our strategic priorities for 2023 - 25 are impactful programs, mission awareness, engaged stakeholders, a sustainable business model, and organizational excellence.

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.