Hope Air

Medical Travel Assistance

We are Committed to Accountability and Transparency

Hope Air strives to uphold excellence in five key areas of our work, as outlined by the Imagine Canada Standards Program:
Each year, we focus on in-kind partnerships and efficient operations to ensure that a minimum of 70 cents per dollar is spent on patient programming as part of our strategic priority focusing on maintaining a sustainable business model.

In 2022, 75 cents of every dollar we spent was on helping people access the care they need.

Last 5 Financial Statements

The financial affairs of Hope Air are audited by a leading third party firm and are reviewed by our Board of Directors.

Information about our T3010

Charities are legally required to file a registered charity information return (T3010) to the Canada Revenue Agency. This return discloses financial information, including Hope Air’s programs, fundraising activities, and senior staff compensation. Read our most recent T3010.

Our 2023-25 Strategic Plan

In recognition of the growing demand for our services, Hope Air has developed a strategic plan focused on five key goals to ensure our ability to efficiently scale to meet this demand, and leave no patient behind when it comes to accessing vital medical care.
  1. Impactful Programs
  2. Mission Awareness
  3. Engaged Stakeholders
  4. Sustainable Business Model
  5. Organizational Excellence

Comparison of Travel Arrangements for 2021-2023

chart demonstrating increase in travel arrangements by 144%
6,782 travel arrangements were made in 2021, 10,251 arrangements in 2022, and 24,988 arrangements in 2023, represents a 144% increase.

How your dollars are invested

How your dollars are invested

pi chart showing how expenses are allocated
pi chart showing program expenses
pichart showing total revenue

Our Accountability to You

Our leadership team and employees across Canada are held accountable to a national volunteer board of directors. The board’s responsibilities include governance, leadership, public accountability, establishing our nation-wide priorities and acting as trustees on behalf of Canadians.
Our staff team operate under strict employment policies with respect to personal, financial and medical information. Our Hope Air fundraising policies hold our team to the highest ethical standards for transparency, confidentiality and ethical fundraising, including the widely endorsed and recognized Donor Bill of Rights and Code of Ethical Standards outlined in by AFP.
Our policies ensure your personal information is maintained with strict confidentiality; that you may update your solicitation preferences at any time; that you have the right to anonymity in your donation; and that we will not sell, trade or exchange your information with other organizations.
Hope Air is accredited by Imagine Canada’s Standards. This accreditation validates our commitment to good governance and transparency.

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.