Hope Air

Medical Travel Assistance

Hope Air medical travel programs soar past 40,000 arrangements in 2024

Dear Friends of Hope Air,

As we step into a new year, I want to express my gratitude for your unwavering support of Hope Air’s mission.

In 2024, we were called upon to assist thousands of patients who needed to travel long distances to access critical healthcare but faced financial hardship. We answered every call. We fulfilled our promise: that every Canadian can access the medical care they deserve, regardless of distance, cost or circumstance.

Thanks to your support, Hope Air provided more than 45,000 medical travel arrangements in 2024. Families, individuals, and children from more than 550 small communities throughout every province in Canada benefited from Hope Air services – free airline, hotel, meals, Uber airport ground transportation and bridge/ferry passes.

Hope Air plays a unique and vital role in Canada’s healthcare system at a time when millions of Canadians lack a family doctor, and rural emergency rooms are often closed. We help patients to navigate the challenges of accessing essential medical care far from home. For thousands of our patients with no other options available, Hope Air is a lifeline.

During this past year we have connected over 4,000 patients to the care they need, for a wide array of serious health conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular, organ transplants, diabetes, respiratory, among many others. For most patients, these medical travel services would be unaffordable, and those lacking the means would have little choice but to delay or cancel treatments.   

The impact of Hope Air, and the impact of your commitment, are profound.

To our donors and financial supporters, your involvement is critical to meeting the growing demand for Hope Air’s programs. Through your engagement with Hope Air, patients receive better access to healthcare, and ultimately, better health outcomes.

To our airline and airport partners, and our many volunteer pilots, who help patients bridge the gap between home and hospital, thank you! Hope Air could not fulfill its mission with you.

We also acknowledge our important partnerships with provincial governments in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. Thank you for your dedication to equitable access to health care for your residents, delivered through Hope Air.

To all who helped fulfill the mission of Hope Air through 2024, and on behalf of the entire Hope Air team, thank you for your dedication, energy, and compassion. Thank you for being part of this extraordinary journey, ensuring that to no patient is left behind.

I would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to me at anytime: CHO@hopeair.ca.

Warmest Regards,
Mark Rubinstein

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.