Hope Air

Medical Travel Assistance

Unequal healthcare access is a pressing issue in Canada.

The 70 percent of Canadians living outside major cities face barriers of time, distance, and cost in accessing healthcare.
We’re on a mission to change that.

We believe that all Canadians should have access to the healthcare they need, no matter where they live or their financial means.

Your donation today ensures that no patient will be left behind when it comes to accessing vital medical care

Join us

Make an ongoing impact on the lives of Canadians.

Join a growing community of members as compassionate and diverse as Canada itself, composed of generous, passionate, and determined people like you from coast to coast.
Our members have already transformed thousands of lives in Canada with access to care. You’re going to fit right in.
Faces of children, adults, and families overlaid on a map of Canada

Make hope take flight

Better Health. Reduced Poverty. Stronger Communities.

Better Health

Rob, Timmins, Ontario
“Flying me back and forth meant I could focus on my health and recovery. Today I’m in remission.”

Reduced Poverty

Zoe, Windsor, Ontario
“It’s very costly, between the cost of hotels and fuel, it quickly adds up.”

Stronger Communities

Siyam, Golden, British Columbia
“Staying in Golden has helped Siyam’s healing journey.”

Be a hero

The need has never been greater

As the number of patients seeking diagnosis and treatment increases, our need for support also continues to grow. By 2025, we expect the demand for travel arrangements to exceed 18,000.

In 2023 alone, we have already fulfilled over 10,000 travel arrangements, surpassing the total of 10,251 in 2022, which represented a 50% increase. We anticipate a need of 13,000-16,000 travel arrangements by the end of the year.

Your gift empowers Canadians to access lifesaving medical Care, no matter the distance.

Together, we can continue making a difference and ensure that no patient will be left behind when it comes to accessing vital medical care.

Sign up to receive Hope Air news, updates and patient journeys.

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.