Stories – Elo

Flying Elo to vital care in Winnipeg Flying Elo to vital care in Winnipeg Ivy gave birth to her daughter Elo at 25 weeks and had chronic lung disease, meningocele […]

Stories – Lorena

Finding strength and support while fighting cancer After a year of unexplained constipation and abdominal pain, followed by many inconclusive medical test results, Lorena had a surgical intervention in Timmins […]

Stories – Lisa

Flying patients to and from care under all sorts of conditions A donor recipient from Winnipeg says she is feeling “110 per cent” after receiving a kidney from an unexpected […]


Staying strong and staying home in a remote community Staying strong and staying home in a remote community A diagnosis of a brain tumour is difficult enough. Imagine what a […]

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.