Hope Air

Medical Travel Assistance

From Red Deer to Vancouver: the Vital Role of Hope Air in Access to Healthcare

From Red Deer to Vancouver: the Vital Role of Hope Air in Access to Healthcare

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Caleb, who lives in Red Deer, Alberta, started facing eye troubles while in Eastern Europe, having blurred vision and seeing stars, and had a tough time finding the right help while abroad. Once back in Canada, Caleb was seen by many Ophthalmologists who provided inconclusive results. This is when Caleb’s mom Cheryl, decided to connect with an eye specialist she had previously seen in Vancouver, B.C. Concerned with how they would afford the long journey with already tight finances, Cheryl searched the internet for support, finding Hope Air.

Hope Air provided not only flights but also accommodation, meals, and managed all the logistics of their travel.”I couldn’t believe they got back to me so’s quickly,” says Cheryl. Caleb underwent a thorough examination from a renowned specialist at BC Children’s Hospital. The specialist’s assurance that there was nothing wrong with Caleb’s eyes brought immense relief and joy to Caleb and his mom.

Reflecting on the recent loss of Caleb’s twin brother to brain cancer, Cheryl expressed gratitude and the importance of timely, accessible healthcare stating, “We were able to see a world class surgeon for my son, and I could not be more grateful.”

For Caleb, Hope Air represents more than transportation; it symbolizes compassion, understanding, and a lifeline to hope. Caleb’s story shows that there are still gaps in healthcare, and organizations like Hope Air play a crucial role in bridging them.

“As a parent you do anything for your child, you go to the ends of the earth. If you don’t have the money or means to get there, you know Hope Air can step in. Then it makes such a difference when you are fighting for your kids’ lives,” says Cheryl.

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.