We make every effort to process your travel request as quickly as possible. You will be notified by email after this review for further information on your travel bookings.
If we require any additional information from you to complete your application, you will be notified promptly. If there has been a change to your medical appointment, and you are required to travel much earlier than outlined in your application, please call our client care team at 1-877-346-4673 ext. 1
720 Bathurst St
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2R4
420 W Hastings St, Suite 300
Vancouver, BC, V6B 1L1
Mon-Fri: 9am–7:30pm EST, 6:00am to 4:30pm PST
Sat-Sun: Closed
Jodi Lumsden - Director, Marketing & Engagement
Click below and send us a message.
We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.
Exigences de mise à jour des connaissances:
Veuillez noter que tous les pilotes bénévoles doivent être entièrement vaccinés contre la COVID-19.
Pour toute question ou préoccupation, veuillez contacter Andrew Knight à aknight@hopeair.ca
Recency Requirements:
Please note, all volunteer pilots must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
For questions or concerns, please contact Andrew Knight at aknight@hopeair.ca