Hope Air

Medical Travel Assistance

Hope Air names Megan Owen-Evans to
National Advisory Council

Hope Air – Canada’s only National charity providing full-service travel and accommodations to Canadians in need of medical care far from home – announces the addition of Megan Owen-Evans to the Hope Air National Advisory Council.

Megan is the president of Fibreco Export Inc., a wood pellet and grain export terminal located in North Vancouver, B.C. She joins Hope Air’s Advisory Council with over 25 years of experience in terminal operations for the Port of Vancouver.

Megan was named as one of Business In Vancouver’s Top 500 Influential Leaders for 2021. Currently, she wears multiple hats – Co-Chair of the Waterfront DEI Committee; member of BC Marine Terminal Operators Association; member of Wood Pellet Association of Canada. Megan is an active advocate of organ donation, herself being a living liver and kidney donor.

“We are delighted to welcome Megan to the Hope Air family,” said Mark Rubinstein, Chief Hope Officer with Hope Air. “Her experience as a business executive, organ donor, and intimate knowledge of our health care systems will be invaluable to our charity”.

“As an advocate for living donation and a living donor myself, I understand very well the costs and logistical challenges around accessing health care. There are families that simply would not be able to both pay their bills and afford the travel expenses involved in accessing the health care they require. Hope Air ensures they never have to choose between the two, and I am honoured for the opportunity to play a part in that,” says Megan.

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.