Thank you for considering a Legacy of Hope

A gift in your Will is a gift of hope for the future

You can help change lives for vulnerable Canadians by including Hope Air in your Will.

It’s a meaningful way to help ensuring that no Canadian is left behind when it comes to accessing vital health care. It is also the guarantee that the important work you believe in continues, and that help is always there for families in need to travel long distance to access medical care.

More than that, there are tax benefits for your estate.

Specific Benefits of Leaving a Gift in Your Will

It has tax advantages: A gift in your Will is a highly effective way to reduce taxes on your estate after death.

It’s simple:
Leaving a gift in your Will is easy to arrange.

It’s flexible:
A gift in your Will can be made no matter how old you are or how much you have to give.

It’s for everyone:
Any gift, large or small, is appreciated and has an impact.

It’s personalized:
You can make a general gift to impact the most Canadians, or choose to designate it to supporting specific provinces or conditions.

It’s comforting:
Being specific about your wishes can give your family peace of mind.

We experienced the kindness of Hope Air starting in 2008 when my brother was diagnosed with cancer. He lived in Fort St. John, BC but treatment was required in Vancouver, BC. He was on a disability pension and air flights were out of his reach and a 14 hour drive to care would have been impossible. When he found Hope Air it was a huge relief for all of us. The staff we dealt with at Hope Air were wonderful and my husband and I would like to give back for the help received – leaving a gift in my
estate is a meaningful way to support this important, life-saving cause.

~ Salli R., from British Columbia

Legacy of Hope Brochure Cover
Download our Free Estate Planning Guide

How to Leave a Legacy of Hope

Using a Free Will Service, like Willfora

Hope Air has partnered with Willfora, a free resource to help make creating or updating a Will easier than ever. Willfora allows you to create a legal Will online in 20-minutes or less, at no cost to you.

While there is no obligation to leave a legacy gift to Hope Air, we hope that this satisfies your estate planning objective while considering your charitable support. Visit the Hope Air page at Willfora to get started today.

Working with Your Lawyer

For more details on these benefits and specific language on how to name Hope Air in your will, download our Legacy of Hope brochure.

With questions, or for more information about making a bequest to Hope Air, please contact:

Jon Collins,
Chief Development Officer
416-800-9032 or

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