Hope Air

Medical Travel Assistance

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Before you dive in and learn more about our healthcare system and the specific challenges of each province and territory, consider a donation to make a difference in the lives of Canadians who need to travel away from home for medical care.

Your gift ensures that every patient, no matter where they live, can focus on what matters most: their health.

Because all Canadians deserve the healthcare they need, regardless of income or distance.

When you support Hope Air, you’re doing more than simply making a donation – you’re helping all the Canadians who will hear the words “treatment is not available here” in their lifetime.

No Patient Left Behind

Equality of access to healthcare is a significant issue for Canadians living far from large cities where specialized care is available.

In 2023, Hope Air fulfilled 24,988 travel arrangements, helping 2,950 patients from 560 communities access essential care.

In the first half of 2024, donor contributions have already enabled 20,000 travel arrangements for 2,276 patients across Canada.

So far, every eligible travel request has been met, but immediate challenges persist in supporting patients where demand is highest and as the need continue to grow.


Hope Air programs are designed to maximize impact and efficiency. Through partnerships with airline, airport, hotels and other providers we make sure that each dollar we receive goes as far as it can.

We believe in accountability. In 2023, Hope Air proudly achieved accreditation from Imagine Canada representing the highest level of governance and financial transparency in the charitable sector.


Hope Air programs are designed to maximize impact and efficiency. Through partnerships with airline, airport, hotels and other providers we make sure that each dollar we receive goes as far as it can. We believe in accountability. In 2023, Hope Air proudly achieved accreditation from Imagine Canada representing the highest level of governance and financial transparency in the charitable sector.
pi chart showing program expenses
pichart showing total revenue
We believe in accountability. In 2023, 80 cents of every dollar spent by the charity was directed to supporting patient travel.

None of this happens without the support of our generous community of grantors, fundraisers and donors. Because of you, Hope Air patients have a place to turn in their time of need. Thank you to our 2023 supporters.


Providing Canadians in financial need with free travel to access medical care far from home.


A world in which every Canadian has access to the healthcare they need, despite distance or cost of travel.


As a result of timely access to appointments, a decreased need for emergency care, and early treatment and diagnosis.

Reduced Poverty

For those living in remote and rural communities in financial need whose quality of care would suffer without our support.

Stronger Communities

Facilitated by travel support for patients living in small and under-served areas that helps them to miss fewer days at work and remain in their home communities.

We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.

Make a gift by December 31 to double your impact in helping patients travel to lifesaving medical care!
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