How do I qualify?
Patients are eligible for support under this program provided that they are residents of British Columbia and need to travel long distances to reach medical care. Patients must also have a confirmed medical appointment prior to completing an application for support. Patients must also disclose their gross annual household income for the previous year together with number of persons living in the household.
Does this program include an escort travelling with a patient?
Yes. Provided that patient qualifies for support, one escort will be approved if requested by the patient or social worker and confirmed by the referring doctor. Escorts are supported with airline travel and hotel accommodation, sharing the same room. Escorts must be 19 years of age or older. Children will be automatically approved for one escort.
What are your eligibility criteria for free travel?
To be eligible to receive free travel services, you must:
What is the maximum number of accommodation nights?
Hope Air will offer up to 3 accommodation nights.
Where does Hope Air book my accommodations?
Hope Air has partnerships with select hotels in the cities where our patients travel. We will always try to book a convenient location near your treatment centre.
What is the value of my Uber Rides voucher and how can it be used?
The value of the Uber Rides voucher is $120.00 total for the patient/escort staying in a city for medical treatment. The voucher can be used for as many trips between airport and hospital, or hospital to accommodation and back, up to the maximum limit. The voucher would continue to be limited for use only on the days of medical travel/treatment.
What is the value of my taxi voucher?
Hope Air can provide vouchers for local taxi companies in Prince George and Kelowna instead of an Uber voucher. These vouchers can be used for trips between airport and hospital, or hospital to accommodation and back.
What is the value of the meal voucher that will be provided?
The value of the meal voucher is $50.00 per day, for each day of travel related to their medical care.
Does Hope Air provide private airflight services?
Hope Air operates a limited volunteer pilot program to assist patients living in more remote areas of the province. This program operates between the months of April-October each year, using smaller aircraft piloted by accredited Hope Air volunteer pilots. For more information on this program, please visit the Volunteer Pilot Program section on our Travel FAQ page or call us directly at 1.877.346.4673
What if I am driving to my medical appointment? Can I receive support from Hope Air?
Hope Air support under this program is reserved for patients requiring travel by airline through Hope Air to reach their medical appointment.
We acknowledge that we live and work on the unceded, traditional territories of many Indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the privilege of being on lands that these peoples have nurtured since time immemorial.
Exigences de mise à jour des connaissances:
Veuillez noter que tous les pilotes bénévoles doivent être entièrement vaccinés contre la COVID-19.
Pour toute question ou préoccupation, veuillez contacter Andrew Knight à
Recency Requirements:
Please note, all volunteer pilots must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
For questions or concerns, please contact Andrew Knight at