Hope Air

Medical Travel Assistance

Politique en matière de plaintes

(Only available in English)



Hope Air is a registered Canadian charity that is committed to high standards of conduct. We recognize that from time to time there may be concerns or complaints about our services, events and/or the conduct of the charity or its representatives, and we believe our clients and stakeholders have the right to provide a formal complaint. With this Policy, we believe that all concerns and complaints should be resolved in a timely, fair and respectful manner with transparency and confidentiality. This Policy does not apply to those expressing dissatisfaction with the nature of or principles underlying our charity purpose.  

Hope Air’s Commitment

Each and every complaint received by Hope Air will be kept confidential and the process of handling the complaint will be transparent at all stages for the complainant. The review of all complaints, informal or formal, will be fair and impartial and all Hope Air staff members and volunteers handling the complaint are required to attempt to resolve each complaint promptly. All Hope Air staff and volunteers are required to have a working knowledge of this Complaint Policy and fully co-operate with the processing of any complaint received by Hope Air.  

Complaint Defined

Complaint: an expression of dissatisfaction about the service, actions, or lack of action by Hope Air as an organization, a staff member or volunteer acting on behalf of Hope Air. A complaint may be made informally or a more formal complaint may be lodged – the process of which is outlined below. Examples of complaints include, but are not limited to:
  • Perceived failure to do something agreed upon
  • Failure to observe Hope Air’s published policies or procedures
  • An error (perceived or actual) made by a Hope Air staff member or volunteer
  • Unfair or discourteous actions/statements made by a Hope Air staff member or volunteer

Informal Complaints Process

Often a problem or client service feedback concern can be handled with a phone call to our Client Care Director or Chief Executive Officer. Often, many situations which arise can be resolved easily and quickly and Hope Air staff will attempt to resolve the matter within five (5) business days. We encourage this informal approach whenever possible. If, however, you have contacted one or more of the individuals as noted above for an informal review of your concern or complain, and feel that your grievance has not been addressed in a satisfactory manner, please follow the steps below to make a formal complaint. How to Make a Formal Complaint Formal complaints should be made within a reasonable time of the alleged misconduct (so that events are fresh in mind) and be submitted in writing (by mail, fax, or email). All complainants must provide their name and contact information so that follow-up action can be taken. Complaints provided on an Anonymous Basis are encouraged, however, it must be appreciated that follow-up and advising of the resolution of the complaint cannot be done. Hope Air does undertake to take any Anonymous Complaint equally of importance and be fully reviewed. Hope Air will acknowledge the receipt of a written complaint within two (2) business days. To submit a complaint in writing via mail, email or fax, please contact our Board of Directors:

Chair of the Board
Hope Air
720 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5S 2R4

Procedure on Handling a Formal Complaint

The steps noted below will be followed when a formal complaint is received:
  • The complainant has lodged a formal complaint, in writing, to our Board of Directors as noted above under “How to Make a Formal Complaint”.
  • Once the Board of Directors receives the complaint a period of thirty (30) days will be implemented for review and resolution. For transparency, the complainant will be notified of when his or her complaint is received by the Board of Directors.
  • Two Board members will be assigned by the Chair of the Board to investigate the complaint. This will entail discussions with the complainant and staff members and/or volunteers familiar with the complaint.
  • Appropriate steps for resolving the complaint will be determined and implemented, taking into account any suggestion towards resolution received from the complainant.
  • Potential responses to the complaint may include:
  • Dismissal of the complaint
  • Prescription of education and a timetable to achieve compliance
  • Changes made to Hope Air operational processes, policies or procedures
  • Issue of a warning and timetable to achieve compliance
  • Other appropriate measures, as determined by the Board members investigating the complaint.
  • The complainant will be informed, in writing, regarding the resolution of the complaint.
  • Approved by the Board of Directors: October 22, 2013

Nous reconnaissons que nous vivons et travaillons sur les territoires traditionnels non cédés de nombreux peuples autochtones. Nous sommes reconnaissants d’avoir le privilège de nous trouver sur des terres dont ces peuples prennent soin depuis des temps immémoriaux.